It is human nature to want to have shiny things in your life... I want to make this clear, a shiny thing is something or someone who is there in your life as a temporary play thing or an ego booster... NOT someone that is meant to be there in your life to help you. Look there is a HUGE difference. I want you to know that. There are some people that are meant to be in your life and NOT as your Shiny thing. You need to know the difference before it is too late. If you treat them like a shiny thing then you will never know why there are there in your life...
There is a BIG difference between Shiny thing and fate of you meeting some one. YOU just need to see the difference there.
So back to my part deuce of this subject:
It is Human Nature to want something to make us feel better... women do it with men and men do it with both women ,as well as, with "toys". It is all part of that the human experience.
I can tell you in my experience that I was unable to tell the difference between the two and ended up hurting someone very badly or getting hurt myself. Due to one thing... Lack of Communication! Look here is the DOWN Right truth... Your shiny things can be anywhere from an affair, a new toy such as a motorcycle, a new person or someone who is seriously in need of materialistic property or advise that you can provide. But what if these "shiny" things are NOT supposed to be.. what if there are actually there to help you through your journey and to stay with you... MMMM did you ever think about that as well...
IF you haven't and you are the person that picked up a new shiny thing and didn't realize they were there for a reason.. well then you just missed out!
It is like this...Every brand new thing is a potential Shiny thing or a potential lasting relationship. It is up to the "picker" to decided what is what... and of course the Pickee has a say in it too.
Some one close to me got me really thinking about this and i wanted to explore my own life more in this... He told me that we are connected in a deep and lasting way. That we are meant to be in each others lives for a reason. WHICH i strongly agree and have the whole time. But it made me think about all the other people in my life that i treated like just another play thing or just another new shiny thing.
And i finally figured it out... How to tell the difference... It is those that you are open with and honest with, the like minds that challenge you and encourage you to be you as well as encourage you to be yourself with your life mate as well as yourself. These are the people that are NOT meant to be your shiny things, these are the people who are meant to be in your life.
So in the here and NOW I am here to apologize to all that i have treated as a shiny thing.. and Thank all those who are MEANT to be in my life... I am open to hear you and to grow.
Here is my over all point in ... We all need to know the differnce of things in our lives to be open to new challenges and not be afraid to let the REAL and LASTING relationships in! We need to step oyt of the situtaion and see what is really in front of you and not just move on to the next thing after it loosing the luster. It is when you can make it past the newness of life and love that you will begin to see that just becuase it isn't new doesn't mean you can keep it shiny.
IF the polish doesn't work anymore don't just leave the silver in the draw.. try a new polish with the same silver... YOU GET IT NOW!!!!!!
So thank you to those of you who have shown me the difference in in all and opened my eyes to new things. And thank you to my husband who has stuck through all my shiny things and been my one constant in my life. Without all of you I would not be challeged to grow.
Information of my rambles as a women, Writer of many things.. Loving and positive with a blunt direct view. Here to help others and open up others eyes. Who Speaks her mind and writes about Real life Stuff.. Don't claim to know everything but i do know a lot of something... called life
About Me
- Foxy Amber
- I am a Independent, free speaking,Wife, Lover, Mother, Bold Bitch of a women. I have many things to say and share many of my opinion on life, relationships, sex as well as society itself.
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