About Me

I am a Independent, free speaking,Wife, Lover, Mother, Bold Bitch of a women. I have many things to say and share many of my opinion on life, relationships, sex as well as society itself.

Weekly journal

Saturday, March 27, 2010

If Life Gives...

What happens to most of us when life gives...

That's right, Life. What is it? What happens to it? What happens to you when life happens?

You know we all let the daily grind of life happen to us. We all get into the "Groove" of life and then feel stuck. Yes, the day-in day-out things called Responsibilities happen to us all. Oh yes even me...I am not excluded from that. Recently a reflection of life has shown me that all you can do is push through the daily grind of life and remember why you are there in the first place.

Yes that is right.. Can you REMEMBER WHY? Yes I asked it.. you know I will because I want you to think . I want you to see why you are there in the first place. Is it because of Love, children, family, a husband or a wife, a mother, a father or a friend.

Who is your WHY?

Just because the person doesn't give you things or takes you places doesn't mean that they don't love you. I mean your there for a reason right... They should be your TRUE WHY! Unconditionally and total being is what is really happening here. Not selfish but selfless. Do you see the pattern here.. Oh come on do i HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT! Fuck.. Look if you can see it read on if not that read this: LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL, never taking, never giving but always both. Not Selfish but selfless.

Now here is where it gets difficult.. When one person "LOVES" another and it SHOULD BE Unconditional... and when i say LOVE i mean ALL LEVELS!
Yes that's right folks you can be taught!
The problem at hand is that we FORGET THIS! YES that is right with all the shit we DO on a daily basis, whether it be jobs, family or kids or pets or parents. We forget our WHY...

Tell me this when is the last time you said to yourself why am i here? Why do i get up in the morning? why do i work my ass off? why do i take care of the things needed? Why am i protective?

There should be only one answer to that question... ONE not anything else...
Come one i know you know it.. DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT! ALL right you asked for it.

LOVE... Is why we are here...

Yeah yeah I hear it now.. BUT BUT I don't have anyone to love.. I am alone and single. Oh wait .. here it comes... "But I don't love him/her anymore"

Listen i have heard it all before honestly i have. I am here to tell you... YOU do love someone.. YOUR NOT ALONE. If you think that way then you need to sit and look a deep LONG look in the mirror and STILL ASK WHY!

Falling in and out of love is like saying I am tired of my job. LOOK here is the thing... ask your self WHY.. WHY was I there in the first place.

If you really don't know then maybe you should really truly reflect on you and see if life got in the way.

Life, jobs, family, changes can all get in the way or seeing what is really there. This is hard for some of you all to see but it does happen. We don't take the time out of our daily grind to appreciate or to see the WHY.

Yeah yeah i know relationships come and go.. but the one thing never changes... is the original question of why! and I didn't say the answer of WHY it is the QUESTION OF WHY....

How much more can i say it.. Life gets in the way of the WHY.
Now before you all go and say well I should just get rid of life.. then you should know that life has to be there. It has to or we don't learn, love and play... and i mean play hard in your beds rocking the shit out of each other..*winks* Oh come on i wouldn't be me if i didn't say it... LMAO!

So now you tell me...


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