meaning... to hear someone you hear the words and that is what they are words... To really Listen to someone you actually take the words and think on them let them work in your mind and heart soak the words in. do you listen to people when they put you down more then you you listen to people when they lift you up
think about it.... when some one says to you... your heart is bigger then life itself and your soul is a beautfiul masterpiece ....
would you really listen to the words that they say or just blush and then later on think that your not worth it.Would you soak into your mind and heart to the point that your body,mind and soul have more confident that you would think of that everyday of your life. Not letting the bad things people say bother you?
To all the women out there who listens to the shit people say do you let it in to your heart? WHY.. is it true? would you let some stranger off the streets call you something your not. Unless of course it is true then.. be proud of it.. HEll I AM A BITCH and i am PROUD OF IT!!! So if you call me one I am going to say thank you... always have and always will.. now if you call me late for sex i will be mad at you and tell you to FUCK ME THEN!!!
So tell me ... do you Listen to your wife when she says i need more sex even afterwords when she gives you that i want more look and the huffs because you say "i am tired" or " i am done". PLease.... Fuck that you have Tongue you have fingers don't you... THEN USE THEM.
AWESOME! well put babycakes!