I remember the time when playing the drums was your passion above all else..
how you rap tap tap on the snare..
the look in our eyes the last time you played
teaching brother the way...
I remember the trips we would take to unknown places
how everything was a surprise..
that the chore of dishes became a lesson of our language
I remember the time when you first held your great grandson in your arms and cried
how he was your buddy and how you used that last of your strength for his gift..
i remember how you taught me to cook and to make everything with tortillas
the day you past was the day my heat sank..
the day i could never say i love you again or hug you again..
5 years has past and i never really grieved for you..
never allowed myself the time..
but today i grieve i hurt as i remember all the things you taught me
all the things you did for me.. all the times you saved me
all the times that you just let me be me...
thank you for everything
Happy birthday to you.. i love you and miss you...
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