About Me

I am a Independent, free speaking,Wife, Lover, Mother, Bold Bitch of a women. I have many things to say and share many of my opinion on life, relationships, sex as well as society itself.

Weekly journal

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Letting go

So i am sitting here pondering on Life's new road for me. Realizing that i have a big road ahead. Things will have to be taken one day at a time and in some cases one hour at a time. Although here lately i am not sleeping with everyone else.. and yes a bit of insomnia has touched me. However a lot races through my head on a constant basis. I wonder of the times i did things.. go over events that could have been handled different. At times I even as if i did this would that have happen.. No i know what your gonna say.. you can't change the pass..I know that! But you CAN learn form it. Vicious cycles that constantly happen, Lessons not learned due to the lack of "Seeing" what is really there. Oh and my favorite.. Stop Chasing ghost! yeah we all have ghost of something.. Ghost of the past, of someone or even a event. 
I am sure some of you don't understand what, at least in this context, the word ghost means.. so let me help you.
GHOST= what was left behind or memories of someone now changed. 
So you see... we all think of ghost and we and have them as thoughts. I recently did as well.. in a certain manner a ghost of someone i thought was there but realized I must be a reminder to what was... I get that.. I have those to. Some days it is hard.  to look on someones face and see what happen or what you did to them.. In this case it IS time to move on.

So how do you move on.. from things from people you know.. Do remember when we talked about how people come and go in your life for reasons.. yeah i am talking about that. Well I think the biggest part of that is the letting go part. 
Yes sometimes when that person comes in you fall for them or start to really care for them.. for women it is hard to really let someone go.. We want to hold on to that person with all our might to the point we end up smothering them. 
COME ON you know you do it.. Just shake your head UP and DOWN and say it.. Yes I do.. 
I do it too.. I have a hard time letting people go out of my life that something Jurassic has to happen in order for my to wake up!I mean Really wake up and see that their job is done. They did what they were meant to do.. or you really didn't listen to what they were saying to the point they gave up! Yes God or the higher powers up there.. gives each of us a mission with each other and if YOU don't Fucking listen or aren't ready to HEAR what they have to say.. and ALLOW them to help you.. THEY ARE GONE!!!  That's right.. Buh bye.. adios.. 
Oh but did i tell you there is a kicker.. yes.. even God himself has humor .... Yeah there is this thing he does.. Called "slaps your head" WAKE THE FUCK UP! he gives ups one more try and puts someone else in front of you to teach you the same fucking lesson that YOU didn't want to hear in the first place.

Okay so that is Probably MY now 4th time rambling about that.. BUT FUCKING A!! when you are you people gonna GET IT! There are people out there that actually care enough to tell you the TRUTH of what they see. Not for you to fall in love with in an instant and push away everything they say because you want ALL of their attention. Or to Pout and wine and cry because they won't tell you what you want to hear.

Alright now back to the letting go part... Look we all have to let someone go in our life.. But if you think it as this.. When one person goes it is just one more spot for a new person to come in.. then things aren't so bad. However I am going to warn you.. IF you are looking for someone to FILL that "love" void then you WILL attract the wrong kind of "love",That I know from experience, It isn't pretty and you won't like the heart break you will get. 

Look I said it I warned you.. NOW LISTEN!

So now.. On to the men.. yes now I get to talk about you men in this. so here goes. If you men are supposed to be in a women's life for some reason and then realize that either A. she won't listen and you get tired of her Bull shit B. she is getting to close or too possessive or C. she starts to push you away every time you try to help.. Well then do us ALL a favor and JUST FUCKING TELL THEM!!!! Don't leave us women hanging around waiting for you to "come around" or just waiting for something.. because you know what.. We are the worst at assuming shit..We women will assume the worst if you don't SPEAK up and say it.. Hello MC FLY!!! Talk to her.. tell her what is really going on.. LET HER KNOW! don't just say one thing and then let her find out that you did what you said you didn't want.. geesh.. I mean REALLY?!?! 
YES.. Women are the worst at assuming ONLY because MEN don't speak the truth ... 
OH and women Do me a favor.. STOP CHASING HIM! if he was meant to be in your life then just let it happen *slaps head* yeah.. take my own advise on this.. I am dealing with that too.. 

So what will it be...will the human race change? Besides the physical aspect of girls getting boobs younger and boys getting bigger... all due to the growth hormone in our food.. (another rant another time) 
So will we... MM With the help of a few others I know.. I hope so.. I hope that we can all evolve to be men and women.. and communicate.. And I am not taking about.. the whole.. "tell her what your feeling all the time" I am just saying to communicate your wants and needs.. and to communicate the truth on things.. situations... even IF you hurt their feelings.. I mean wouldn't YOU rather have someone say .. Yeah I like you but I don't WANT you.. rather then them not say anything at all and you pine over them like a lost puppy tring to get their attention 24/7 and bugging the hell out of you until you explode. 

MMM let me think.. ... Bob I will take what is Behind DOOR number 1.. thank you... ding ding ding ding!!!!!!

Alright so do you think you have it.. do you think you can understand why letting go is important? 

like the saying goes.. When one door closes another one opens...
but do because what door you go through.. because there maybe several doors that open at the same time.. but you just have to chose wisely.. and i do mean wisely... as in.. watch what is in the door, study it, listen BEFORE you step in...

Let's just hope we can all just understand each other.. and communicate shit to each other in a truthful manner.. I know I am appreciative to a man that CAN and WILL tell me the truth instead of letting me wonder or assume.. 

Oh and BTW! Assume.. = ASS out of U and ME

1 comment:

  1. We are thrown to fate and often lack the understanding to do so. I exist as the soul of a dreamer.. a body to be pushed into an orbit ..an attraction to another..unexpected but welcome. We never say what we mean, and when we do it may be to late. Im happy that i did say. Happen it shall, and all the better i am for it:) .. Few insights of the mind i know as Amber Red:)

