About Me

I am a Independent, free speaking,Wife, Lover, Mother, Bold Bitch of a women. I have many things to say and share many of my opinion on life, relationships, sex as well as society itself.

Weekly journal

Friday, December 24, 2010

Chrismas...STRESS and Two women

This year will be a different year..Sis is stronger.. I am different well some days i am distant others i am here.. Latley due to the Stress that was cause by the lack of vehicles and other things.. it has created a Whirl wind of emotions between two estrogen Alpha women in one house.. Some days it is hard due to the fact that we both have our OWN ways of running our house.. and Of course her and i have changed roles.. she is now the stay at home mom and I am the worker bee.. lol Of course the Hubby still works thank goodness for his steady work habits..
Anyways... the other problem here, is that well I have been TRYING my hardest to NOT be a bitch about how clean the house ISN'T or what people ARENT doing.. and TRYING to concentrate on what everyone IS doing.. let me tell you THis is the Fucking hardest thing i have ever had to do.. and it has pushed me back,  not too far but it has turned me into a bit submissive.. which i FUCKING hate.. okay look I am THE Alpha in MY house.. there is NO doubt of that.. I raise me voice.. I give a look and everyone KNOWS i mean business that is how it is!
 Then you add a Noncommen sense.. ADHD women who is Trying to find her way in life and were she belongs.. who isn't very good and some things and excellent at others in to MY mix.. well lets just say some days are interesting here.. she has her own way of doing things like i do.. but the one thing we have in common is that we do love each other and care for each other enough to yell, scream and blame each other for stupid shit and then make up for it cause we were able to get ot the bottom on the problem.. well in our case more like the heart...

So after 4 weeks of HIGH stress of NO control on my behalf... NO car NO way to run MY errands unless i beg or borrow.. well lets just say that after the release of the stress came the Medical issues that come with stress..
Now here is what some people don't know about this thing called Stress... ONCE you are Released from all the worrying and pacing and everything.. this thing called TOXINS release out into your body creating havoc in different parts of your body.. could be tension, mood swings, headaches, fatigue or other problems and it can be mild to severe depending on the length of stress your body has been under... now that said..

My body LOVES to go the tension route.. OH and the mood swings.. HELLO I am FUCKING HERE.. talk about a BAD case of PMS and PMMS ... Oh yes.. the Poor Mean Momma symptoms LOL anyways.. So i have been the Mean momma the Bitch Or and the sabotagee.. Not on purpose remind you.. when i am like this I just don't feel the same. i am not the same and I have to go on the medication to help keep the headaches at bay. IT FUCKING SUCKS!  it is a vicious cycle..

Never ending.. cause ON the medication I don't sleep well.. but if i don't then the headaches will be back and my moods will be off the charts.. Poor hubby..

But through of this I have been able to lean on a few out there to help me and be my anchor and grounding.. it has helped a lot and I am grateful for them.

It has been a LONG few months but getting into the routine of working and then coming home and chiping away at the house work and cooking on my nights will take some time to get used to... but after this NICE little vacation with Two of the best girls I know well i think that will help me a lot.. i need this, i need some time to have a bit of fun with no hubbies no little children no anything just me and the girls.. i know it will help.

But for now.. Let me get through Christmas with a smile and open heart and mind.. Let me NOT get mad and over react to the little shit and just be grateful for what is here with me.. and that is a wonderful family, loves in my life and wonderful children.. what can as for more.

so with that.. I say Merry Christmas to all.. and to all.. well you know the rest... Just enjoy your family

1 comment:

  1. You ramble and are a bad writer! If you posted this blog w the intention of helping anyone, NOT GOOD! Otherwise its called a journal. You're ramblings are bad!
